p h o t o g r a p h y

About Me
Hi! I'm Kim!
I'm a photographer located in Honey brook, Pennsylvania. In July of 2014 I married a southern farmer boy who is the spontaneous one in our relationship. I on the other hand am more than happy to hang out editing photos and drinking coffee by myself for hours, the quieter human of us two. I like to think we balance each other out pretty well.
We are stay at home parents to a baby girl, Saray Bryn. She is such a joy to have around. We sure serve a mighty God who loves to give good gifts to His children!
I love to document moments of people's lives. As cliche as it sounds - time sure doesn't slow down. I've only realized that more since becoming a mother. If you're looking to get some photos of you and your favorite people, send me a message. I'd love to meet you!
Contact Me
Tel: 7177991763